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Qualify for Community Health Access Program

You or your family may qualify if you meet these requirements:

  • Live in the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc. service area, excluding the District of Columbia
  • Your household income is no more than 3 times the federal poverty level (for example, up to $45,180 for a single person or $93,600 for a family of 4 in 2024)
  • You aren’t eligible for other public or private health coverage, such as, but not limited to, Medicaid, Maryland Children’s Health Program, FAMIS, Medicare, a job-based health plan, or financial help through Maryland Health Connection or the health benefit exchange

You don’t need to be U.S. citizens to qualify for the Community Health Access Program.

Household/Family Size Monthly Household Income no more than: Annual Household Income no more than:
1 $3,765 $45,180
2 $5,110 $61,320
3 $6,455 $77,460
4 $7,800 $93,600
5 $9,145 $109,740
6 $10,490 $125,880

Kaiser Permanente service areas in the Mid-Atlantic

You must live in a Kaiser Permanente service area to qualify for the Community Health Access Program. Explore our service areas below.

Please note: the program is open in all Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic service areas except Washington, DC.

We review each member’s eligibility for the Community Health Access Program by regularly sending you a form to confirm household income and other information. If you no longer meet the eligibility requirements, you will be disenrolled from Kaiser Permanente’s Community Health Access Program. You will remain enrolled in the KP MD Gold 0 Ded/25 Rx Ded/Vision or KP VA Gold 0 Ded/Vision plan, but you’ll have to pay the full monthly premiums and out-of-pocket cost unless you ask us to end your membership or until you fail to pay the full premium.

Other Kaiser Permanente coverage options

If you do not meet the requirements for CHAP, financial help from the government could help you get affordable health coverage for you and your family. Other health coverage options include:


  • Consider Medicaid or Maryland Children’s Health Program. This option may be available if you were born in the United States or are a lawful permanent resident, and your yearly income is at or below 138% of the federal poverty level (for example: $20,783 for an individual or $43,056 for a family of 4 in 2024). Kaiser Permanente is a Medicaid provider and may be available to you. Please visit for more information.
  • Buy health coverage through Maryland Health Connection. If you qualify, you may get help paying for your plan premiums or out-of-pocket costs. For more information visit


  • Consider Medicaid or FAMIS.  This option may be available if you were born in the United States, you are a legal permanent resident, and your yearly income is at or below 138% of the federal poverty level (for example: $20,783 for an individual or $43,056 for a family of 4 in 2024).
  • Kaiser Permanente is a Medicaid provider and may be available to you. Please visit for more information.
  • Buy health coverage through the health benefit exchange. If you qualify, you may get help paying for your plan premiums or out-of-pocket costs. For more information, visit

A range of other plans are available

If you don’t qualify for Medicaid or the health benefit exchange plans, we offer plenty of other choices to help you find the best plan for your family. Click here to find out which Kaiser Permanente Individual & Family Plan best fits your needs. You can also call us at 1-800-488-3590 (TTY 711). Please note, you will have to pay a monthly premium for these plans (a health plan’s monthly payment amount).

* Continued eligibility for the CHAP is not guaranteed. We reserve the right to close enrollment or change the CHAP eligibility rules at any time. If you are approved for the CHAP subsidy, the subsidy period is limited, and we will contact you in the future to confirm that you still qualify.

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